NSBE Create Book Club: Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 8pm EST.
Please mark your calendars for our next discussion scheduled for Thursday, September 24th at 8 pm EST as we honor the iconic Jamaican-American author, journalist, and historian, J.A. Rogers. Rogers dedicated his life to fighting scientific racism by educating the world on much of the neglected history of Africa and the African diaspora through his self-published books. Please register at http://bit.ly/JARogers7 and you will receive a Zoom meeting invite closer to the discussion date. For any questions or concerns please contact our R2PEB College Initiative Chair, CJ Kirk at r2pebci@nsbe.org. Intellectual: Nature Knows No Color-Line: Research into the Negro Ancestry in the White Race by J.A Rogers (Classic work of black study refuting scientific racism).
*Please come prepared to discuss Chapters 1-6 for the intellectual September meeting. We will discuss Chapters 7-Appendix in October. Sign-up Here: http://bit.ly/JARogers7